

Event posters salvaged from an advertising column, water-soluble adhesive, anti-UV matt varnish, metal fixings.

Variables dimension from 55 cm X 39 cm X 2.5 cm.

By chance, I happened to walk by an advertising column near me that was in the process of being cleaned. The technician literally stripped the column by peeling off the crust of posters glued on top of each other, as though removing bark from a tree. I took this thick and impressive crust of paper, which represented almost ten years of ads, back to my studio. I then cut the crust of paper into strips and immersed them in water, then coiled them into organic forms. Making these objects by hand required time to assemble and dry them. The changes in the material as it shifted from wet to dry, supple to solid, created sculptures that resemble tree slices. An unlikely dendrochronology of a decade of advertising posters is revealed.

Photos: Ivan Binet

Dendrochronologies-Offset was presented :

2024_Solo show Les lignes contours, Maison des arts de Laval.

2023_Solo show Quotidiens et autres matières ligneuses, Galerie a En savoir plus

Press :
« Julie Picard à la Galerie.a poèmes du temps imprimé», DESLOGES, Josianne, Le Soleil, 7 octobre 2023
« L’art dans tous ses états », BERTRAND, Caroline, Cahier spécial Musées, Le Devoir, 11 mai 2024

The artist would like to thank the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.