Julie Picard – Artist

Ramasser les feuilles

(Gathering Leaves)


Ink jet print on Photo Rag 500, 30.5 X 37 cm, edition ef 3. Privates collections.

Gathering Leaves is a multiform project that came out of a series of explorations begun in 2006 using grocery store flyers. The weekly specials were cut out in the shape of life-sized maple leaves with autumn colours. The form of the leaf imitates the leaf designed on the Canadian flag. Several iterations of the project exist, either in a temporary version or in limited signed and numbered editions.

Photos : Julie Picard and Jean-Michael Seminaro

Ramasser les feuilles was presented :

2020_Encan de la quarantaire, encan en ligne

2015_Foire en art actuel de Québec

2014_Foire d’art contemporain de Saint-Lambert

Press :

«La grand-messe de l’art contemporain à Saint-Lambert», CLÉMENT, Éric, La Presse, 16 octobre 2014, Montréal