
(Offset Barks)


Event posters salvaged from an advertising column, salvaged wood, adhesive, anti-UV matt varnish, metal fixings.

34 cm in diameter x 4 cm.

By chance, I happened to walk by an advertising column near me that was in the process of being cleaned. The technician literally stripped the column by peeling off the crust of posters glued on top of each other, as though removing bark from a tree. I took this thick and impressive crust of paper, which represented almost ten years of ads, back to my studio. The works explore the colourful surface and pictorial qualities of print ads. I extracted circles from the crust of paper, then sanded them. Layers of advertising colours appear in a play of textures and moiré patterns. Titled Offset Barks, the circles are mounted onto wood rings, recalling the column’s original shape. This body of work reveals typographies in which texts become topographies.

Photos: Ivan Binet

Les Écorces-Offset was presented :
2024_Group show, Chapelle des processions, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli

2023_Solo show Quotidiens et autres matières ligneuses, Galerie a Learn more

Press :

« Julie Picard à la Galerie.a poèmes du temps imprimé», DESLOGES, Josianne, Le Soleil, 7 octobre 2023

The artist would like to thank the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.