Julie Picard – Artist

Sac à surprise

(Goody Bag)


Limited edition 1 to 40.
Kraft Paper sealed with solvent-free glue, surprise

Privates Collections & artist’s collection.

Goody Bag is a limited edition of 40 goody bags numbered 1 to 40, each of which is for sale. The selling price of each work is determined by the increasing rarity of the bags as they sell. To discover what is hidden inside the bag, one needs to tear it apart, thus destroying the work and its market value.

Photos: Guillaume D. Cyr

Sac à surprise was presented :
2016_Édition Expérimentation, Collectif Blanc à Toronto Art Fair.
2014_Foire d’art contemporain de Saint-Lambert

Press :

« Édition / Forme / Expérimentation : repenser le livre », BRUNET, Louise, Revue ESPACE Art Actuel, Numéro 114, 2016, Montréal