Julie Picard – Artist

Les flocons



Advertising paper flyers and liquid white glue.

Variables dimensions, from 25 to 30 cm in diameter.

Residency project Les améliorations locatives at Caravansérail artist-run center in Rimouski, February to Mars 2004.

Through spontaneous interventions and surprises hidden in the landscape, I brought together private and public spaces, the exterior and the interior, the heat of houses and the cold of winter

During the residency, I carried out two projects inspired by winter iconography : Snowflakes & Walk of Fame Rimouski.

In the studio, I constructed The Flakes, several dozen three-dimensional constructions made out of flyers in the shape of snowflakes. Reminiscent of the origami technique or certain children crafts, each unique flake exalted this type of advertising paper.

Photos: Guillaume D. Cyr, Philippe Hamelin, Steve Leroux and Julie Lévesque.